Word Visualization
When told to make a word visualization of one of my blog posts, I wanted to visualize the post made about teacher that I admire. This is because throughout my educational journey, I have wanted to be like her in many ways and some of the words that appeared really struck home to me. I really loved how it generated “wanted classroom” right on top of each other. It also made me think about how I would have described my experience so far in the educational setting. The three words that stuck out to me were “giving”, “ mistakes”, and “ journey”. I feel as those three words paint a clear picture of any teachers first three years of teaching.
I made this graphic through Word Clouds. It was a very simple program to use and manipulate to how you want. You can customize your graphics by what shapes and colors. You can also change how many words are on it or take off words that you do not want. As a leader, I may use this took when reporting back written feedback from others. For example, if I had teachers write me feedback on a personal development they just had, I may use a tool like word cloud to gather quick feedback on what commonalities were said throughout the given feedback. You could then also share with with teachers to show what others got away from it. I also believe you could use it in a classroom setting if you had students write feed back and show them how you analyzed it. You could use it in the beginning of the year to set up classroom norms. You could set up a google form and allow students to submit words on what type of classroom environment/ setting they would like and compile them to create a graphic in your room to remind students of their values. I believe these are many fun and creative ways in which you could use word visualizations and I am excited to try more of them in the future!
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